My 4th of July morning was spent with a lovely young family frolicking in a meadow, chasing ants and sharing in a delightful picnic. I took the opportunity to meet this family of four during my weekend visit to my sister's home in Vegas. Surprisingly, there is a mountain area barely 45 minutes from Vegas that is reminiscent of Tahoe or even Shaver Lake area that I'm closer to.
While it took a little bit for the little ones to warm up to me, there was an obvious abundance of love present in this family with both little ones attached to Mom & Dad and yet loving the outdoors.
Sweet big brother, who's almost 4 was wiling to take a few moments out of exploring to flash me a smile and give a little "cheese". I just loved his sweet bright eyes!

After exploring in the rocky dry creek beads, we moved on to a beautiful meadow for more pictures and a picnic. It was there that sweet little sister turned into a fairy bedazzling the meadow with her cuteness!

There's no denying where the love flows from!

Absolutely beautiful family.

Harmony & Bryce thank you for a wonderful time and I hope you enjoy the picture preview!