Specializing in Family, Kids, Babies, Maternity and Wedding Photography

Contact Me!

Email: gaylevaug1@aol.com
Sitting Costs: $60 (includes 1 8x10 print and approximately 1 hour session.)

I generally shoot outdoors at local parks but am willing to come to your home depending on the photo needs.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Jen & Her Boys

Over the 4th of July weekend in Vegas, I also had the priviledge of meeting another wonderful family. Jen and her boys were such a delight to hang out with. They were so easy to shoot - almost too easy! They posed were asked, no complaints, okay so maybe there was a wee bit of bribery involved, but overall they really were great. A family that really feels at ease with eachother and truly like hanging out with one another. I'd say they really fit the quote on the picture below.

We took pictures at a local park where we tried to have fun without melting in the hot summer heat too much. There were plenty of things to climb, explore and let loose for such a sprited young man. What was really fabulous was how he warmed up enough that by the end of our session he helped direct poses and where we should take pictures!

Handsome, isn't he!

Good sports, all around!

Thanks guys, for putting up with the heat and coming out on your day off!
It was a pleasure!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fairies, Ants & A Picnic

My 4th of July morning was spent with a lovely young family frolicking in a meadow, chasing ants and sharing in a delightful picnic. I took the opportunity to meet this family of four during my weekend visit to my sister's home in Vegas. Surprisingly, there is a mountain area barely 45 minutes from Vegas that is reminiscent of Tahoe or even Shaver Lake area that I'm closer to.
While it took a little bit for the little ones to warm up to me, there was an obvious abundance of love present in this family with both little ones attached to Mom & Dad and yet loving the outdoors.

Sweet big brother, who's almost 4 was wiling to take a few moments out of exploring to flash me a smile and give a little "cheese". I just loved his sweet bright eyes!

After exploring in the rocky dry creek beads, we moved on to a beautiful meadow for more pictures and a picnic. It was there that sweet little sister turned into a fairy bedazzling the meadow with her cuteness!

There's no denying where the love flows from!

Absolutely beautiful family.

Harmony & Bryce thank you for a wonderful time and I hope you enjoy the picture preview!

