Specializing in Family, Kids, Babies, Maternity and Wedding Photography

Contact Me!

Email: gaylevaug1@aol.com
Sitting Costs: $60 (includes 1 8x10 print and approximately 1 hour session.)

I generally shoot outdoors at local parks but am willing to come to your home depending on the photo needs.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Family Fun at the Park

It isn't every day that I can do something for my dear friend, Anita. She lives in Arizona and we get blessed to see her maybe once a year. It's been over a year since we last saw her and even longer since we saw her kids, Lynae and Cody! So when I heard she was making a trip here to visit, I jumped at the opportunity to take family portraits for her. She's been a dear friend since 7th grade! Her kids are a joy to be with, full of energy and spunk! My two little ones had a ball playing with them at the local park.

Lynae is almost 7 and not only a bright thinker who can recite the alphabet backwards, but also a beautiful young lady.

Cody is turning 5 next month and all boy! While he's full of energy and would rather have played than pose for pictures, we managed to make some fun of it and got some great shots of his sweet little face.

He sure loves his mama!

There's lots of love in this family!

There's not much better than piling up on Mom! Although getting to make silly faces sure is fun too!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Go Blue!

These two siblings don't like eachother, not one bit. Can't you tell ?

Believe it or not, this was taken at the same park, not in a studio. I had a little fun with some of the afternoon sunlight.

And they don't like their mama either!

Their mom, Natalie, wanted to be sure to capture their great smiles for the dad for his birthday. He's a huge Michagan fan, hence the Michagan jerseys, which was a very cute idea! I think I managed to convey that these two are very happy kids. What do you think?

I love this picture of Gaby. It just screams to be blown up poster size and hung in a garden room!

