Specializing in Family, Kids, Babies, Maternity and Wedding Photography

Contact Me!

Email: gaylevaug1@aol.com
Sitting Costs: $60 (includes 1 8x10 print and approximately 1 hour session.)

I generally shoot outdoors at local parks but am willing to come to your home depending on the photo needs.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Schwan Family

Last month my wonderful neighbors got to spend a special day with their entire family! A rarity for sure to have everyone in town, I couldn't help but want to help them capture the moment. Unfortunately due to rainy weather we weren't able to add any of the outdoors to our picture background, but thankfully I now have a portable backdrop that I got to put to good use. They're quite a big group - but lots of fun!

Just the kids and Mom & Dad

The poor grandkids had a full day with a potluck most the afternoon, no nap and then we tired to do group pictures. Overall they were good sports and at least we got a picture of them with their grandparents, even if they were crying.

They're rather cute kids, so who could resist wanting a picture with them.

We took full advantage of the having everyone together that we did small family group shots too.

Thanks guys for putting up with so many pictures! I hope you enjoy them. I know I enjoyed spending the day with your wonderful family!

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