It never ceases to amaze me how much things can change in a year. It seems like just yesterday I first met Elle and her mom at Fresno State for her 3 year portraits. Now she's 4 and all grown up - or at least in her mind. At least the rest of know that 4 is still so sweet and innocent. Just look at her, isn't she angelic?
And while poor Elle had to wait on me (I had a mental brain block on the appointment time) she was still a good sport and managed to "play" willingly for some great shots. I could easily understand her minor meltdown since we dragged to her a park on a gorgeous day and then told her that "no, she couldn't play with the other kids". I'm glad that the swings perked her up. That and getting to feed the ducks.

I absolutely LOVE her curls and infectious smile.
And like most young girls, Elle loves to dance. Ahh to be so free with oneself.

Thanks Elle and Dawn Marie for the beautiful morning and patience - I think it paid off, hope you think so to!
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