It's always a pleasure to visit and photograph families for a second time. In an effort to include Grandma & Grandpa in pictures this time, Harmony and her family opened up their home for our photo session in early September. What's really fun with family sessions at home, is it allows people to be more at ease and themselves. There's nothing like honest good family fun when the kids are relaxed and running around crazy! Seriously, I love trying to show a family for who they are; a great bunch of people that love eachother! I hope you see that in the pictures below!
I LOVE the wording Harmony and Bryce have above their bed. Little miss took a bit before she decided to join everyone on the bed. It's fun to be two and have the world wrapped around your finger!
Beautiful and loving family!! Glad to have Grandma & Grandpa join us!
He's not loved at all...can't you tell!
There's truly something special about your first born.
Isn't she beautiful?
The best sessions are when a family is willing to have a little fun. Nothing much better than a dog pile on mom and dad's bed!

Okay, well, maybe a bubble bath!
Thanks guys for inviting me in your home and your patience in seeing a preview of the pictures! As always, I hope you enjoy them! 'till next time!
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